TENJIN Gift set

Ref. CFDP02

TENJIN Gift set

classé dans :

Sencha TENJIN (green tea)
Superior sencha from a traditional garden in Kyoto. Its fresh fragrance leaves a long and delicate persistence in mouth.
> Metal tin 50g

1 kyusu MARUBIRI 350ml
Banko-yaki purple teapots (Shidei) have a reputation for being able to absorb the astringent compounds of tea, giving pride of place to flavors. Perfect for green tea.

A traditional Japanese tea bowl which can be used for any tea.

1 tea spoon
Special sliver-plated spoon for measuring tea leaves, equivalent to one teaspoon. Normally, one light spoonful is for one cup.

Votre coffret sera confectionné avec du papier cadeaux aux motifs de feuilles de thés.

Sencha TENJIN (green tea)
Superior sencha from a traditional garden in Kyoto. Its fresh fragrance leaves a long and delicate persistence in mouth.
> Metal tin 50g

1 kyusu MARUBIRI 350ml
Banko-yaki purple teapots (Shidei) have a reputation for being able to absorb the astringent compounds of tea, giving pride of place to flavors. Perfect for green tea.

A traditional Japanese tea bowl which can be used for any tea.

1 tea spoon
Special sliver-plated spoon for measuring tea leaves, equivalent to one teaspoon. Normally, one light spoonful is for one cup.

Votre coffret sera confectionné avec du papier cadeaux aux motifs de feuilles de thés.

Qty - +
107,80 €
Conseil de préparation