Japanese grocery









TONKOTSU STYLE RAMEN NOODLESRamens are long, thin noodles and are served in a broth made from soy (shoyu ramen) or pork (Tonkotsu ramen). Then, we will add slices of meat to this broth: pork with soy and sake or pork with yakitori sauce, 1 Ajitsuke tamago marinated egg as well as the herbs and vegetables of your choice...
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GUIDE TO JAPANESE SAUCESSauce made from fermented soy and wheat. Due to the roasted wheat content, soy sauce is not suitable for people with gluten intolerance or allergies...
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MEAT WITH YAKITORI SAUCEAn essential element that will go wonderfully with your bowl of soy ramen or Tonkotsu-style ramen, the meat (chicken or pork) cut into slices should be placed directly in the broth. The whole thing will then be completed by the addition of an Ajitsuke tamago marinated egg and vegetables of your choice.
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SHOYU RAMEN NOODLESRamens are long, thin noodles and are served in a broth made from soy (shoyu ramen) or pork (Tonkotsu ramen). Then, add meat slices to this broth: pork with soy and sake or pork with yakitori sauce, 1 Ajitsuke tamago marinated egg as well as the herbs and vegetables of your choice such as bean sprouts, green onion (spring onion), mushrooms. Shiitake...
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MEAT WITH SOY AND SAKE SAUCEAn essential element that will go wonderfully with your bowl of soy ramen or Tonkotsu-style ramen, the sliced meat (chicken or pork) should be placed directly in the broth. The whole thing will then be completed by the addition of an Ajitsuke tamago marinated egg and vegetables of your choice.
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MARINATED EGG “AJITSUKE TAMAGO”An essential element that will go wonderfully with your bowl of soy ramen or Tonkotsu-style ramen and its sliced meat (chicken or pork), Ajitsuke tamago marinated eggs will add all the deliciousness to this typically Japanese dish.
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GUIDE TO JAPANESE NOODLESJapanese noodles ramen, udon, soba, find out what makes them different and what types of dishes you can prepare them in.
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NABE WITH CHICKEN AND VARIOUS VEGETABLES.Nabe is a type of Japanese dish that consists of broth accompanied by meat and vegetables.
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KOKUMAÏ UDON NOODLES COOKING"KOKUMAI" udon noodles were prepared with wheat flour (87%) and black rice flour (11%), which gives them this pretty natural purple color.
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INANIWA YAKIUDONYakiudon is a Japanese dish consisting of udon noodles mixed with a soy-based sauce, meat (usually pork) and vegetables.
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COOKING UDON INANIWA NOODLESJapanese Udon noodles whose manufacturing faithfully perpetuates the tradition of Inaniwa Udon, a know-how of more than 350 years...
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MUSHROOM SOBA NOODLESSoba are thin noodles made from buckwheat flour or a mixture of wheat and buckwheat flour (30% to 70%) which are accompanied by a broth. They have a brown color and a unique taste...
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CHIKUZENNIChikuzenni is a dish originating from northern Kyūshū in Japan, made from chicken and vegetables. It is often eaten when the new year arrives in Japan. Discover our Bouillon recipe made with chicken, vegetables and shiitake mushrooms...
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VEGAN MISO SOUPMiso soup is a traditional cooking recipe from Japanese cuisine. It is a broth made from miso (fermented soy paste) and dashi (basic broth of Japanese cuisine), to which other ingredients are added (vegetables, tofu, seaweed, meat or seafood). ). Discover our easy recipe for vegan miso soup made with vegetables...
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